
being restrained中文什么意思

发音:   用"being restrained"造句
  • 所胜
  • being:     for the time being 暂时; ...
  • restrained:    adj. 受限制的;受约束的;克制的,谨严的;忍耐的,拘 ...
  • restrained:    adj. 受限制的;受约束的;克制的,谨严的;忍耐的,拘束的。 adv. -ly
  • being:     for the time being 暂时;一时;临时。 n. 1. 实在,存在。 2. 生存,生命,人生,一生,人间。 3. 物;生物,人;实在物。 4. 本质,特质,本性。 5.〔B-〕 上帝,神;本体。 the aim of our being 人生的目的。 actual being 实在。 to the very depth of one's being 灵魂深处。 a human being人,人间。 animate [inanimate] being生[无生]物。 the Supreme B- 上帝。 being as [that] 〔口语〕既然;因为。 being in itself 【哲学】物自体。 call [bring] into being 使产出,使形成。 come into being 发生,诞生,成立 (The European Common Market came into being in 1958. 欧洲共同体成立于1958年)。 in being 现有的,现存的,存在的 (the fleet in being 现有的舰队。 the record in being 现存的记录)。 adj. -less 不存在的。
  • being there:    富贵逼人来; 富贵迫人来; 妙人奇迹; 身在该处; 在那里
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    更多例句:  下一页
  1. The base of the tower is restrained against rotation .
  2. When both parties are restrained and compassionate about each other's needs, they are mutually reinforcing .
  3. She had been restraining herself in the presence of her father all the morning; but now, that long-pent-up sob might come forth .
  4. He doesn't have what people call an "open" look, but is restrained at times, despite his amiability, forbidding .
  5. So the people were restrained from bringing


        being:     for the time being 暂时; ...
        restrained:    adj. 受限制的;受约束的;克制的,谨严的;忍耐的,拘 ...
        restrained:    adj. 受限制的;受约束的;克制的,谨严的;忍耐的,拘束的。 adv. -ly
        being:     for the time being 暂时;一时;临时。 n. 1. 实在,存在。 2. 生存,生命,人生,一生,人间。 3. 物;生物,人;实在物。 4. 本质,特质,本性。 5.〔B-〕 上帝,神;本体。 the aim of our being 人生的目的。 actual being 实在。 to the very depth of one's being 灵魂深处。 a human being人,人间。 animate [inanimate] being生[无生]物。 the Supreme B- 上帝。 being as [that] 〔口语〕既然;因为。 being in itself 【哲学】物自体。 call [bring] into being 使产出,使形成。 come into being 发生,诞生,成立 (The European Common Market came into being in 1958. 欧洲共同体成立于1958年)。 in being 现有的,现存的,存在的 (the fleet in being 现有的舰队。 the record in being 现存的记录)。 adj. -less 不存在的。
        being there:    富贵逼人来; 富贵迫人来; 妙人奇迹; 身在该处; 在那里
        in being:    现有的
        no-being:    不存在;非实在(的东西)。
        there being:    结构在句中的作用
        elastically restrained:    弹性约束的
        fervid - restrained:    热心的
        half restrained:    半约束的
        resource restrained:    资源约束
        restrained axis:    约束弯曲轴
        restrained beam:    端部夹紧梁; 固定端梁; 固端梁; 钳制梁; 约束梁
        restrained bend:    受阻弯转
        restrained breathing:    遏止性呼吸; 克制性呼吸音
        restrained category:    受限制类目
        restrained contraction:    约束收缩
        restrained control:    限制操纵
        restrained deformation:    约束变形
        restrained diffusion:    限制性扩散
        restrained edge:    约束边
        restrained end:    弹性固定端; 约束端
        restrained gyroscope:    二自由度陀螺仪; 框架陀螺仪
        restrained item:    受限制项目


  1. being poisoned by agricultural chemicals 什么意思
  2. being poor yet one is not grievous 什么意思
  3. being prepared for any eventualities 什么意思
  4. being prominent on the right side 什么意思
  5. being repelled by tear gas 什么意思
  6. being reticent and dementia 什么意思
  7. being safe around water 什么意思
  8. being sb under subjection 什么意思
  9. being seven days overdue 什么意思
  10. being someone else’s treat 什么意思


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